Masterpiece Illinois Pilot
Team #
Round #
Referee Signature
Team Name
Team Signature

M00 Equipment Inspection
Does the team's equipment all fit in one launch area and under 12 in (305 mm)?

M01 3D Cinema
Is the 3D cinema's red beam completely to the right of the black frame?

M02 Theater Scene Charge
Is your theater's red flag is down and the active scene color is?

Do both teams' active scenes match?

M03 Immersive Experience
Are the three immersive experience screens are raised?

M04 Masterpiece
Is your team's LEGO® art piece is at least partly in the museum target area?

Is the art piece is completely supported by and in contact with ONLY the pedestal, which is not in contact with any team equipment other than the art piece?

M05 Augmented Reality Statue
Is the augmented reality statue’s orange lever is rotated completely to the right?

M06 Music Concert Lights and Sounds
Is the lights' orange lever is rotated completely downwards?

Is the speakers' orange lever is rotated completely to the left?

M07 Hologram Performer
Is the hologram performer's orange push activator is completely past the black stage set line?

M08 Rolling Camera
The rolling camera's white pointer is left of?

M09 Movie Set
Is the boat touching the mat and completely past the black scene line?

Is the camera touching the mat and at least partly in the camera target area?

M10 Sound Mixer
Number of sound mixer sliders that are raised?
M11 Light Show
The light show’s white pointer is within zone?

M12 Virtual Reality Artist
Is the chicken intact and moved from its starting position?

Is the chicken over or completely past the lavender dot?

M13 Craft Creator
Is the craft machine's orange and white lid completely open?

Is the craft machine's light pink latch is pointing straight down?

M14 Audience Delivery
Number of audience members completely in a target destination?
Number of target destinations with at least one audience member completely in it?
M15 Expert Delivery
Number of experts at least partly in their target destinations?
Precision Tokens
Number of precision tokens remaining?

Score sheets may not be changed on a completed tournament.