POWERBOTS - Energy at Home
Team #
Round #
Referee Signature
Team Name
Team Signature

Install Solar Cell
Is the Solar cell completely inside the correct blue area and studs on top?

Remove Old Light Bulbs
# of Red light bulbs outside of the big yellow square and not inside the recycling center.
# of Red light bulbs completely inside the recycling center.
Install Energy Saving Light Bulb
# of White light bulbs completely inside the big yellow square.
Place Smart Home Device
# of Smart home device in a room with a red light bulb at the start of the round and without an energy saving light bulb.
# of Smart home device in a room with a red light bulb at the start of the round and with a correctly placed energy saving light bulb.
Park the Robot
Robot completely stops in the Start & Finish Area.

Bonus Points
# of Barriers is not moved or damaged.
# of Yellow light bulb is not moved or damaged from the starting position.
# of seconds remaining when run stopped or was completed?